There were 46 billion active IoT devices in 2021
It’s estimated that by 2024, there will be 83 billion consumer IoT devices worldwide
Expected number of devices and connections per person by 2023:
A. North America: 13.4
B. Western Europe: 9.4
C. Latin America: 3.1
D. Middle East and Africa: 1.5
There were 1.5 billion cyber attacks on IoT devices in H1 2021 compared to the 639 million recorded in H2 2020
IoT devices most targeted by hackers
A. Security camera systems
B. Smart hubs and network-attached storage devices
C. Printers, smart TVs and IP Phones
Where are IoT attacks taking place?
1. China – 49%
2. Taiwan – 47.3%
3. Turkey – 41%
4. Russia – 39%
5. Guatemala – 37.6%
Ways IoT devices can be hacked:
A. Smart speakers with access to other networked devices in your home can be hacked to unlock other devices like cars/garage doors for theft.
B. Hackers can control the temperature of your smart thermostat.
Ways IoT devices can be hacked:
C. Smart printers, if hacked, can give malicious actors access to any file that is printed and any sensitive information that is on these files.
D. Your smart TV can be hacked, allowing malicious actors to listen in on a living room conversation, “cyberstalking” you.
Consumers’ concerns:
91% of Americans are worried about online security threats.
45% of consumers say they’re more at risk of being hit by an attack now than they were before the pandemic.
61% believe their household could be the target of an attack in the next year.